Check out this livestream concert by our Artistic Director James Keelaghan on Saturday night – live from his living room!

Join me on Saturday night at 8pm edt for an all request show with a few new tunes thrown in. Leave requests in the comments. Sponsored by National Arts Centre / Centre national des Arts See you there!  At this link— James Keelaghan

#canadaperforms james keelaghan#CanadaPerforms is a $200,000 short-term relief fund that pays Canadian artists for their online performances. It was launched by Facebook Canada and the National Arts Centre to help ease the financial strain for Canadian artists impacted by the closure of performance venues across Canada related to COVID-19, and to lift the spirits of Canadians during the crisis. Artists who are selected will receive $1,000 and their online performance will be announced and listed on the NAC’s Facebook page. Facebook Canada donated an initial amount of $100,000 to #CanadaPerforms. Facebook Canada and the NAC wish to thank Slaight Music for their generous donation of an additional $100,000 to the fund.​


“Music, dance and theatre have an enduring power to comfort, to inspire, to lift our spirits. Equally, performers thrive on their relationship with audiences. In this challenging time, artists and audiences, indeed all of us, need each other more than ever.”NAC President and CEO Christopher Deacon