Stewart Park Festival is thrilled to learn that we’ve been named a Top 100 Festival in Ontario by Festival and Events Ontario!

The honour really does reflect what we’ve been working hard to do for more than 25 years – to give the community and visitors a place to come and listen to good music, connect with one another and have a really good time – at little cost!

“It’s an honour to be considered one of the top events in the province, as well as testament to the dedication and hard work of the volunteers who put on the festival,” says SPF Chair John McKenty. “With the support of the Town of Perth and the Downtown BIA, it’s a true community event.”

The names for festivals were submitted last fall and the submissions were reviewed by an independent judging panel.

Stewart Park Festival only Locally Named Event

The only Lanark County-based event listed, the Stewart Park Festival was named along with 99 other well-known festivals including the TD Salsa Festival in Toronto and the Stratford Festival.

“Festivals and events create jobs and bring Ontario communities together to celebrate our heritage and diversity,” said Eleanor McMahon, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. “I am pleased to join with Festival and Events Ontario in congratulating this year’s top 100 recipients. There are so many celebrations taking place across the province this year and our 150th anniversary is the perfect opportunity to get out and discover them.”

Stewart Park Festival also recently learned we’ve been grant recipients from the Ontario Arts Council, Celebrate Ontario and the Perth & District Community Foundation.

We’re working on finalizing our line up and we’ll be releasing some exciting ways on how you can experience the Stewart Park Festival YOUR way. Stay tuned…