Our community sponsors are the backbone of the Stewart Park Festival. In the photo Mike Rath (centre), Branch Manager of the TD Canada Trust Bank in Perth, presents a cheque for $1,000 to Stewart Park Festival Sponsorship Coordinator Diana Bracegirdle and Festival Chair John McKenty. TD is the official sponsor of the Youth Showcase at the festival. This year’s showcase takes place on Friday July 14, 2017 at the Main Stage. The photo was taken by Lee Lapointe who is working for the festival as part of the YAK Youth Employment Program.

The Youth Showcase performers are selected following the Student Coffeehouse, which is set to take place at the Perth Tea Room on Thursday, May 18, 2017. Student performers from high schools from across the region will perform a 20-minute set and a handful of them are selected to perform at the Youth Showcase at the Stewart Park Festiva.